Mac wiki
Table of Contents
- 1. MSIC
- 1.1. 不能识别家里的wifi信号
- 1.2. DONE .bashrc
- 1.3. 直接从terminal中启动emacs
- 1.4. DONE gpg
- 1.5. DONE mac下unzip,gunzip在终端下都没有用
- 1.6. DONE texlive/latex latex texlive font
- 1.7. DONE F1这些就是F1
- 1.8. DONE find不能像使用linux那样
- 1.9. DONE finder不能使用键盘打开文件
- 1.10. iterm2中的修改按键
- 1.11. 安装go2shell
- 1.12. mac下的包管理器 homebrew macports
- 1.13. 自动跳转的工具
- 1.14. 创建智能文件夹 finder
- 1.15. DONE 免费的Finder增强工具:XtraFinder xtrafinder
- 1.16. pmset
- 1.17. DONE 输入法问题
- 1.18. Caffene
- 1.19. yesomite下U盘的默认的挂载目录
- 1.20. DONE 一些gnu套件
- 1.21. DONE 挂载的U盘不在/dev/sd*
- 1.22. linux中的mkfs可以使用newfs_*来替代
- 1.23. 使用reeder来查看rss
- 1.24. 识别小米手机
- 1.25. 开机就需要启动的程序 开机启动
- 1.26. gcc gcc
- 1.27. DONE 虚拟机 virtual
- 1.28. 挂载虚拟光驱
- 1.29. dia在yesomite中闪退,capitan中也启动不起来
- 1.30. 安装和使用gnuplot
- 1.31. DONE 没有使用默认的邮箱
- 1.32. DONE dmg文件安装完成后在桌面上还有残留
- 1.33. 在mac中修改按键设定 change_key karabiner
- 1.34. DONE 控制mac的剪切板
- 1.35. 使用鼠标 mouse 鼠标 reverse scrolling
- 1.36. 截图 jietu capture_picture
- 1.37. hyperswitch
- 1.38. 突然不能打开 网络设置 的面板
- 1.39. 窗口管理 manage windows maxmize
- 1.40. 禁止了cnnic证书
- 1.41. 从源码编译emacs emacs
- 1.42. mac中的gdb
- 1.43. 在mac中使用swift编程 swift
- 1.44. DONE 对ntfs的磁盘只读
- 1.45. macbook合住盖子而不进入待机
- 1.46. 录制Gif图片
- 1.47. cdto
- 1.48. just focus 番茄工作法加定时锁屏,常用软件
- 1.49. TODO 待办
- 1.49.1. TODO 从源码安装了wget后,从bash中启动emacs可以找到,但是从launchpad中启动还是提示找不到wget
- 1.49.2. TODO 查字典
- 1.49.3. TODO 通过zip安装的软件
- 1.49.4. TODO 不断网锁屏
- 1.49.5. TODO 连接各种外设
- 1.49.6. TODO microsoft-office使用brew没有下载下来。不行不装了。就用iwork。
- 1.49.7. TODO 禁用触摸板
- 1.49.8. TODO 把下载中的内容归类。软件这些都保存起来。
- 1.49.9. TODO finder中使用`/'来进入某一文件夹
- 1.49.10. TODO mou可以用来写markdown
- 1.49.11. TODO jitouch功能更强大的多点触控软件
- 1.49.12. TODO 不像linux一样可以使用fdisk直接对U盘这些进行分区
- 1.49.13. TODO 文档查看器
- 1.49.14. TODO mount和route命令和linux上不同
- 1.49.15. TODO clamAV for mac
- 1.49.16. TODO jabref
- 1.49.17. TODO wireshark
- 1.49.18. TODO 不从terminal启动emacs,则一些环境变量没有设置正确
- 1.50. calibre管理书籍
- 2. apple-script学习笔记
- 3. 键盘效率工具
- 4. 和原生Terminal打交道
- 5. open
- 6. workspace
- 7. 多个远程终端登陆的配置
- 8. archmage
- 9. 修改键盘的速率
1.1 不能识别家里的wifi信号
1.2 DONE .bashrc
1.3 直接从terminal中启动emacs
系统默认安装了emacs22,我下载了一个emacs24,安装好后就在`/Applications/'下有Emacs可执行程序,在`.bash_profile'中加入一个alia要 就行了:
alias em='/Applications/'
1.4 DONE gpg
1.5 DONE mac下unzip,gunzip在终端下都没有用
1.6 DONE texlive/latex latex texlive font
\documentclass[utf8]{amsart} \usepackage{xeCJK} \setCJKmainfont[BoldFont = Hiragino Sans GB W6]{Hiragino Sans GB W3} \begin{document} 我爱中国 \end{document}
1.6.1 fontconfig
1.6.2 mac上安装新字体
如果是单个字体,直接用鼠标双击就行了。可以使用mac中自代的字体册程序来卸载。 TODO 可以使用类似于mkfontscale,mkfontdir,fc-cache这样的程序来安装多个字体吗?
1.6.3 网上找到的为整个系统设置字体
Reload Original PagePrint PageEmail Page MacTex 2010 XeLatex中文支持 【2011年8月12日更新】 在Mac OS X 上安装MacTex后,需要修改文件 /usr/local/texlive/2009/texmf-dist/tex/latex/ctex/fontset/ctex-xecjk-winfonts.def 中的字体设置, 才能使用XeLatex来编译中文文件。该文件的内容为: % ctex-xecjk-winfonts.def: Windows 的 xeCJK 字体设置,默认为六种中易字体 % vim:ft=tex \setCJKmainfont[BoldFont={SimHei},ItalicFont={[simkai.ttf]}]{SimSun} \setCJKsansfont{SimHei} \setCJKmonofont{[simfang.ttf]} \setCJKfamilyfont{zhsong}{SimSun} \setCJKfamilyfont{zhhei}{SimHei} \setCJKfamilyfont{zhkai}{[simkai.ttf]} \setCJKfamilyfont{zhfs}{[simfang.ttf]} \newcommand*{\songti}{\CJKfamily{zhsong}} % 宋体 \newcommand*{\heiti}{\CJKfamily{zhhei}} % 黑体 \newcommand*{\kaishu}{\CJKfamily{zhkai}} % 楷书 \newcommand*{\fangsong}{\CJKfamily{zhfs}} % 仿宋 \newcommand*{\lishu}{\CJKfamily{zhli}} % 隶书 \newcommand*{\youyuan}{\CJKfamily{zhyou}} % 幼圆 \endinput 直接运行XeLatex编译中文文档,会出现如下错误: ! fontspec error: "font-not-found" ! ! The font "[SIMKAI.TTF]" cannot be found. ! 即字体"[SIMKAI.TTF]"无法找到。 利用fc-list命令,可以查到系统中已经安装的楷体字体的名称,即在终端执行: sudo fc-list :lang=zh-cn 可以查到与楷体对应的行为: 楷体_GB2312,KaiTi_GB2312:style=Regular 也就是说,系统中楷体字的名称为“KaiTi_GB2312”,因此需将"[SIMKAI.TTF]"改为“KaiTi_GB2312”,即将第一行改为 \setCJKmainfont[BoldFont={SimHei},ItalicFont={KaiTi_GB2312}]{SimSun}
这里参考 这里 说的就行了:
Chinese Font Missing Problem in MacTeX 2012 on Mac OS X 10.8 Posted on 2012年11月27日 by Qun Gu If you install MacTeX and then use xelatex to compile a ctexart file, an error that font file SIMKAI.TTF is missing will pop up. Here is the cure for this problem. sudo vi /usr/local/texlive/2012/texmf-dist/tex/latex/ctex/fontset/ctex-xecjk-winfonts Then replace all [SIMKAI.TTF] into STKaiti. Be careful: It is possible to have TWO PLACES to be modified! If you want to use Fang Song font, change [SIMFANG] into STFangsong. Enjoy! Q.
% ctex-xecjk-winfonts.def: Windows 的 xeCJK 字体设置,默认为六种中易字体 % vim:ft=tex \setCJKmainfont[BoldFont={SimHei},ItalicFont={STKaiti}]{SimSun} \setCJKsansfont{SimHei} \setCJKmonofont{STFangsong} \setCJKfamilyfont{zhsong}{SimSun} \setCJKfamilyfont{zhhei}{SimHei} \setCJKfamilyfont{zhkai}{STKaiti} \setCJKfamilyfont{zhfs}{STFangsong} \newcommand*{\songti}{\CJKfamily{zhsong}} % 宋体 \newcommand*{\heiti}{\CJKfamily{zhhei}} % 黑体 \newcommand*{\kaishu}{\CJKfamily{zhkai}} % 楷书 \newcommand*{\fangsong}{\CJKfamily{zhfs}} % 仿宋 \newcommand*{\lishu}{\CJKfamily{zhli}} % 隶书 \newcommand*{\youyuan}{\CJKfamily{zhyou}} % 幼圆 \endinput
1.6.4 为某个文章单独设置字体 有用
% 下面这些字体一定要是系统有的 \setCJKmainfont[BoldFont={SimHei},ItalicFont={STKaiti}]{SimSun} \setCJKsansfont{SimHei} \setCJKmonofont{STFangsong} \setCJKfamilyfont{zhsong}{SimSun} \setCJKfamilyfont{zhhei}{SimHei} \setCJKfamilyfont{zhkai}{STKaiti} \setCJKfamilyfont{zhfs}{STFangsong}
% 重新定义一些中文拼音命令方便使用 \newcommand*{\songti}{\CJKfamily{zhsong}} % 宋体 \newcommand*{\heiti}{\CJKfamily{zhhei}} % 黑体 \newcommand*{\kaishu}{\CJKfamily{zhkai}} % 楷书 \newcommand*{\fangsong}{\CJKfamily{zhfs}} % 仿宋 \newcommand*{\lishu}{\CJKfamily{zhli}} % 隶书 \newcommand*{\youyuan}{\CJKfamily{zhyou}} % 幼圆
\begin{document} 你好,TeX Live 2009! \lishu{这是隶书} \fangsong{这是仿宋} \songti{这是宋体} \heiti{这是黑体} \kaishu{这是楷书} \youyuan{这是幼圆} \end{document}1.7 DONE F1这些就是F1
- State "DONE" from "TODO"
1.8 DONE find不能像使用linux那样
- State "DONE" from "TODO"
1.9 DONE finder不能使用键盘打开文件
- State "DONE" from "TODO"
1.10 iterm2中的修改按键
1.11 安装go2shell
1、订阅者推荐:Go2Shell,我们通过Finder浏览文件的时候,常常需要在浏 览的文件目录中打开终端进行操作,Go2Shell就能自动做到这一点。从App Store下载这个免费软件 ( )。下载完 成后从应用程序文件夹把Go2Shell拖到Finder工具栏上,然后随便进入一个目录, 点击Go2Shell图标,即可打开终端进入该目录。 Go2Shell支持原生终端、 iTerm2和xterm,比我之前用过的>cd to …app方便。在终端输入open -a Go2Shell –args config即可进入配置界面,选择你喜欢的终端。
1.12 mac下的包管理器 homebrew macports
1.12.1 homebrew DONE install homebrew
State "DONE" from "TODO"
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
在使用brew search <XXX>时,会很慢,我的方法是直接使用brew search|grep。
brew doctor和brew update需要经常使用。一个是检查brew有没有出现错误。一个是对brew和通过brew安装的软件进行升级。
还有一个brew-cask。用于套件的安装。如QQ,迅雷这些。 使用中可能出现的问题
error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge:
cd `brew --prefix` git fetch origin git reset --hard origin/master
cd `brew --prefix`; git reset --hard
1.12.2 DONE macports没有安装好,估计是墙的问题
- State "DONE" from "TODO"
但是因为网络原因。没有port -v selfupdate成功。错误信息如下:
Error: Failed to verify signature for MacPorts source! To report a bug, follow the instructions in the guide: Error: /opt/local/bin/port: port selfupdate failed: Failed to verify signature for MacPorts source! pengpengxp@pengpengxpdeMacBook-Air:~$ man port
1.13 自动跳转的工具
这里 讲得很详细
1.13.1 autojump DONE 安装autojump autojump
- State "DONE" from "TODO"
j -a <dir>来添加目录。这里设置的时候dir最好是绝对路径。
然后使用j <something>就可以进行跳转了。something里面包括了将要跳转去的目录名字中的一部分就行了。 TODO autojump在bash能使用但是不能跳转
- State "TODO" from ""
jo是可以工作的。就是j不能跳转。 TODO eshell中使用autojump
- State "TODO" from ""
1.13.2 fasd
git仓库在 这里 。
1.13.3 z
function zo() { z $1; open ./ }
需要的功能就是最简单的这两个。我最后选择了z。 eshell中使用z
1.14 创建智能文件夹 finder
Finder提供了智能文件夹的功能,简单来说就是固化你的搜索条件,并形成文件夹存放在左侧边栏。 例如你想建一个文件大小大于1G的智能文件夹,使用快捷键option+command+n呼出新建智能文件夹界面,点击最右侧的加号,在条件选择第一栏选择大小,第二栏选择大于,第三栏输入1G,你就可以看到你的Mac上文件大于1G的列表,点击存储,命名后该文件夹就会出现在左侧边栏。随时点击随时动态监控自己的硬盘上有哪些超过1G的大文件。试试其他搜索条件吧!
1.15 DONE 免费的Finder增强工具:XtraFinder xtrafinder
- State "DONE" from "TODO"
- State "TODO" from ""
这个插件具备和TotalFinder类似的功能,支持tab、文件夹置顶、多窗口、剪切、全局热键等功能,重要的是这是一个完全免费的自由软件,而TotalFinder要18刀。 下载网址:
1.16 pmset
如果你想离开电脑一段时间,又不想让电脑进入睡眠状态,有个简单的命令 可以帮助你做到这一点。在终端中输入:pmset noidle,即可。只要该命令 一直运行,Mac就不会进入睡眠状态。关掉终端或ctrl+c可以取消该命令。
pmset是OS X提供的命令行管理电源的工具,其功能远不止于此。
pmset -g,查看当前电源的使用方案
sudo pmset -b displaysleep 5,设置电池供电时,显示器5分钟内进入睡眠
sudo pmset schedule wake "02/01/13 20:00:00",设置电脑在2013年2月1日 晚8点唤醒电脑
1.17 DONE 输入法问题
- State "DONE" from "TODO"
1.18 Caffene
1.19 yesomite下U盘的默认的挂载目录
1.20 DONE 一些gnu套件
- State "DONE" from "TODO"
brew install coreutils findutils gnu-tar gnu-sed gawk gnutls gnu-indent gnu-getopt
还可以使用brew search gnu这些查看有什么东西。
1.21 DONE 挂载的U盘不在/dev/sd*
- State "DONE" from "TODO"
测试windows xp失败。
1.22 linux中的mkfs可以使用newfs_*来替代
1.23 使用reeder来查看rss
1.24 识别小米手机
1.24.1 TODO 可以试试其它android设备
1.24.2 TODO android-adb for mac
1.25 开机就需要启动的程序 开机启动
名称 | 作用 |
alfred | 快捷键 |
坚果云 | 同步 |
antirsi | 保护身体 |
caffeine | 一直不休眠 |
reeder | 读rss |
xtrafinder | |
f.lux | 调节色温 |
1.26 gcc gcc
1.27 DONE 虚拟机 virtual
- State "DONE" from "TODO"
vmware fusion要收费。
1.28 挂载虚拟光驱
hdiutil mount some.iso
1.29 dia在yesomite中闪退,capitan中也启动不起来
需要安装 XQuatz–> A version of the X.Org X Window System that runs on OS X
here 找到的答案
Goto your Applications directory where exists (mine was located at: /Applications) Right click the icon and click on Show Package Contents Goto the directory Edit the file dia, in your favourite text editor. After line 39, add the line: export DISPLAY=:0 Save and exit. Close XQuartz if its running. Now Dia should come up. If it does not come up, try restarting your computer.
其实这个dia是一个脚本文件,闪退就是因为环境变量的问题。直接在其中加 入就行了。 我修改后的dia文件是这样的:
#!/bin/sh # # Author: Aaron Voisine <> # Modifications: # Michael Wybrow <> # Jean-Olivier Irisson <> # Steffen Macke <> CWD="`(cd \"\`dirname \\\"$0\\\"\`\"; echo \"$PWD\")`" # e.g. /Applications/ TOP="`dirname \"$CWD\"`" # e.g. /Applications/ # Brutally add many things to the PATH. If the directories do not exist, they won't be used anyway. # People should really use ~/.macosx/environment.plist to set environment variables as explained by Apple: # # but since no one does, we correct this by making the 'classic' PATH additions here: # /usr/local/bin which, though standard, doesn't seem to be in the PATH # newer python as recommended by MacPython # Fink # MacPorts (former DarwinPorts) # LaTeX distribution for Mac OS X #export PATH="/usr/texbin:/opt/local/bin:/sw/bin/:/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/Current/bin:/usr/local/bin:$CWD:$PATH" # Check for X11 if [[ "" == $DISPLAY ]]; then export DISPLAY=:0 fi startx=`which startx` if [[ "" == $startx ]]; then if [[ ! -e /opt/X11/bin/startx ]]; then osascript -e 'tell app "System Events" to display dialog "X11 (XQuartz) is not installed or not running. Would you like to visit now in order to download and install XQuartz?" with icon 0' if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then open exit fi fi fi export DISPLAY=:0 osascript -e 'tell app "XQuartz" to launch' for i in `seq 1 30`; do if [[ `ps aux | grep -v grep | grep startx | wc -l` -lt 1 ]]; then sleep 1 fi done if [[ "$DISPLAY" =~ "/tmp" ]]; then if [[ ! -e $DISPLAY ]]; then export DISPLAY=:0 fi fi # Setup PYTHONPATH to use python modules shipped with Dia ARCH=`arch` PYTHON_VERS=`python -V 2>&1 | cut -c 8-10` export PYTHONPATH="$TOP/python/site-packages/$ARCH/$PYTHON_VERS" # NB: we are only preprending some stuff to the default python path so if the directory does not exist it should not harm the rest # No longer required if path rewriting has been conducted. export DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH="$TOP/lib" export DIA_BASE_PATH="$TOP" export DIA_LIB_PATH="$TOP/dia" export DIA_SHEET_PATH="$TOP/sheets" export DIA_SHAPE_PATH="$TOP/shapes" export DIA_XSLT_PATH="$TOP/xslt" export DIA_SHAREDIR="$TOP" export DIA_LOCALE_PATH="$TOP/share/locale" mkdir -p "${HOME}/.dia-etc" export FONTCONFIG_PATH="$TOP/etc/fonts" export PANGO_RC_FILE="$HOME/.dia-etc/pangorc" export GTK_IM_MODULE_FILE="$HOME/.dia-etc/gtk.immodules" export GDK_PIXBUF_MODULE_FILE="$HOME/.dia-etc/gdk-pixbuf.loaders" export GTK_DATA_PREFIX="$TOP" export GTK_EXE_PREFIX="$TOP" export XDG_DATA_DIRS="$TOP/share" # Handle the case where the directory storing Dia has special characters # ('#', '&', '|') in the name. These need to be escaped to work properly for # various configuration files. ESCAPEDTOP=`echo "$TOP" | sed 's/#/\\\\\\\\#/' | sed 's/&/\\\\\\&/g' | sed 's/|/\\\\\\|/g'` # Set GTK theme (only if there is no .gtkrc-2.0 in the user's home) if [[ ! -e "$HOME/.gtkrc-2.0" ]]; then # Appearance setting aquaStyle=`defaults read "Apple Global Domain" AppleAquaColorVariant 2>/dev/null` # 1 for aqua, 6 for graphite, inexistant if the default color was never changed if [[ "$aquaStyle" == "" ]]; then aquaStyle=1 # set aqua as default fi # Highlight Color setting hiliColor=`defaults read "Apple Global Domain" AppleHighlightColor 2>/dev/null` # a RGB value, with components between 0 and 1, also inexistant if it was not changed if [[ "$hiliColor" == "" ]]; then hiliColor="0.709800 0.835300 1.000000" # set blue as default fi # Menu items color if [[ aquaStyle -eq 1 ]]; then menuColor="#4a76cd" # blue else menuColor="#7c8da4" # graphite fi # Format highlight color as a GTK rgb value hiliColorFormated=`echo $hiliColor | awk -F " " '{print "\\\{"$1","$2","$3"\\\}"}'` # echo $menuColor # echo $hiliColorFormated # Modify the gtkrc # - with the correct colors # - to point to the correct scrollbars folder sed 's/OSX_HILI_COLOR_PLACEHOLDER/'$hiliColorFormated'/g' "$DIA_SHAREDIR/themes/CL/gtk-2.0/pre_gtkrc" | sed 's/OSX_MENU_COLOR_PLACEHOLDER/\"'$menuColor'\"/g' | sed 's/AQUASTYLE_PLACEHOLDER/'$aquaStyle'/g' | sed 's|${THEMEDIR}|'"$ESCAPEDTOP/themes/CL/gtk-2.0|g" > "${HOME}/.dia-etc/gtkrc" export GTK2_RC_FILES="$HOME/.dia-etc/gtkrc" fi # If the AppleCollationOrder preference doesn't exist, we fall back to using # the AppleLocale preference. LANGSTR=`defaults read .GlobalPreferences AppleCollationOrder 2>/dev/null` if [ "x$LANGSTR" == "x" ] then echo "Warning: AppleCollationOrder setting not found, using AppleLocale." 1>&2 LANGSTR=`defaults read .GlobalPreferences AppleLocale 2>/dev/null | \ sed 's/_.*//'` fi # NOTE: Have to add ".UTF-8" to the LANG since omitting causes Dia # to crash on startup in locale_from_utf8(). export LANG="$LANGSTR.UTF8" echo "Setting Language: $LANG" 1>&2 sed 's|${HOME}|'"$HOME|g" "$TOP/etc/pango/pangorc" > "${HOME}/.dia-etc/pangorc" sed 's|${CWD}|'"$ESCAPEDTOP|g" "$TOP/etc/pango/pango.modules" \ > "${HOME}/.dia-etc/pango.modules" cp -f "$TOP/etc/pango/pangox.aliases" "${HOME}/.dia-etc/" sed 's|${CWD}|'"$ESCAPEDTOP|g" "$TOP/etc/gtk-2.0/gtk.immodules" \ > "${HOME}/.dia-etc/gtk.immodules" sed 's|${CWD}|'"$ESCAPEDTOP|g" "$TOP/etc/gtk-2.0/gdk-pixbuf.loaders" \ > "${HOME}/.dia-etc/gdk-pixbuf.loaders" exec "$CWD/dia-bin" --integrated
1.30 安装和使用gnuplot
直接使用`brew install gnuplot'后使用plot命令会出现`unknown terminal'的问题。
here 找到了答案。
使用下面的命令来使用`X11'作为terminal。但是这需要安装上 XQuatz。
brew install gnuplot --with-x11
You can also save the output to a file and use qlmanage -p: gnuplot -e 'set term png; set output "/tmp/plot.png"; plot sin(x)'; qlmanage -p /tmp/plot.png qlmanage -p shows a sandboxing error in 10.9 and prints some unnecessary text to STDOUT, so I use a function like ql() { qlmanage -p "$@"&>/dev/null; } in shells. A third option is to use set term dumb for plain text output.
1.31 DONE 没有使用默认的邮箱
- State "DONE" from "TODO"
1.32 DONE dmg文件安装完成后在桌面上还有残留
- State "DONE" from "TODO"
1.33 在mac中修改按键设定 change_key karabiner
1.33.2 seil
- 注意 *
修改capslock时 file:~/Downloads/mac_change_key/Seil - Software for OS X.pdf 中也说了。需要在设置->键盘中修改一下修饰键,将capslock修改为无操作。
1.33.3 使用CapsLock一个按键打开alfred
1.33.4 通过karabiner使用我的filco键盘
在karabiner中把`swap command_l and option_L * filco *'打开。然后就基本可以使用了。
1.34 DONE 控制mac的剪切板
State "DONE" from "TODO"
1.35 使用鼠标 mouse 鼠标 reverse scrolling
结果使用了reverse scrolling这款软件行可以调整过来。
- 这个软件会让三个手头查字典的功能变没有了。
1.36 截图 jietu capture_picture
看的网上的 如何在Mac OS X上截图 - 柏枫 | baifeng 博客 苹果 mac iphone ipad ipod os web html css javascript 网页 平面 设计 1 min read original 如何在Mac OS X上截图 - 柏枫苹果为Mac OS X提供了丰富的截图工具,但大部分用户很少会用到甚至也都不知道,今天摘出一部分方便易用的截图小技巧。 Mac OS X自带的截图工具名叫Grab,在[应用程序] – [实用工具]里,但我们先来看点基本的。 1. 同时按下快捷键Command+Shift+3可以将整个屏幕以.png格式图片保存到桌面上,如果不想直接保存成文件,就按Command+Control+Shift+3,把桌面保存到剪切板。 2. 如果不想保存整个桌面,而是想像QQ截图那样自选一块区域,当然你可以用QQ,Mac版QQ也有这个功能。或者按下快捷键Command+Shift+4,光标就会变成一个准星,选择一个区域然后就会以.png保存到桌面,同样如果想保存到剪切板就按Command+Control+Shift+4。不过在10.3以前,这个操作是保存成PDF的。 3. 如果想保存某个窗口,也不必谨小慎微地画框框,按按Command+(Control)+Shift+4,然后按空格,小准星就会变成一架相机,然后点你想截图的窗口即可,保存下来的仍是24位无损透明背景的.png图片,最妙的是带阴影的。 4. 如果想要更多控制选项的话,就要借助软件了,首先就是自带的Grab。比如你想在截图中保留鼠标指针、菜单,都可以用Grab。打开Grab之后,点Grab菜单名-首选项,然后选择你需要的鼠标状态。设置好了以后点击,Capture(抓图)菜单下的区域、窗口、屏幕和计时截图。计时就是按下截图之后,系统会给你10秒钟的时间准备,比如开启某些菜单或窗口,玩过自拍的都知道。 如果觉得上面这些还不能满足你的需要,那么就要借助第三方的软件了,这里推荐4款比较有代表性的。 LittleSnapper 正版售价: $39 开发团队: Realmac Software 系统需求: Mac OS X 10.5+ LittleSnapper不仅可以截取桌面图片还可以截取整个网页,并提供了实用的编辑工具。 SnapzProX 4款推荐中最贵的,但也是唯一支持视频录制的截图软件,当然在截取静态图片方面也有不俗的表现。 正版: $69 开发团队: Ambrosia Software 系统需求: Mac OS X 10.3.9+ Layers 顾名思义,Layers可以将你屏幕上的所有内容截取成Photoshop的PSD图层文件,每一个图层都表示不同的应用程序和界面元素,同时你也可以自行定义一些选项。 正版售价: $19.95 开发团队: Wuonm 系统需求: Mac OS X 10.5+ Voila Voila允许你抓取多种来源的内容,添加各种炫酷效果。然后一键发送电子右键、上传Flickr、保存iPhoto等等。 正版售价: $39.95 开发团度: Global Delight 系统需求: Mac OS X 10.5.2+
1.37 hyperswitch
在同一个程序中切换不同的窗口。比如preview中窗口太多了,用原生的`command + ~'不太爽。使用hyperswitch可以配置成用`option+Tab'切换。还不错。
1.38 突然不能打开 网络设置 的面板
1.打开Finder 前往以下地址: /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration 2.删除 NetworkInterfaces.plist preferences.plist 注:机型不同,自行删除network配置 3.重启进入recoveryHD 全盘权限修复 重启应该可以配置了
cd /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration sudo mv\\ NetworkInterfaces.plist preferences.plist /tmp/
1.39 窗口管理 manage windows maxmize
1.39.1 最大化窗口
1.39.2 使用了slate来管理窗口 slate
config defaultToCurrentScreen true config nudgePercentOf screenSize config resizePercentOf screenSize # Push Bindings bind right:ctrl;cmd push right bar-resize:screenSizeX/3 bind left:ctrl;cmd push left bar-resize:screenSizeX/3 bind up:ctrl;cmd push up bar-resize:screenSizeY/2 bind down:ctrl;cmd push down bar-resize:screenSizeY/2
1.39.3 TODO moom 该软件还没有使用过
1.40 禁止了cnnic证书
1.41 从源码编译emacs emacs
./configure --with-ns make install
`make install'不会进行安装。这是在`nextstep/'下生成了一个。可以直接使用的。可以拷贝它到任何地方了。
1.42 mac中的gdb
sudo port install gdb-apple
1.43 在mac中使用swift编程 swift
使用`xcrun swift'可以进行一个交互式的swift解释器,然后可以`println("Hello,world");'。
可以把`println("Hello,world")'写入一个文件`hello.swift'中,然后使用`scrun swift hello.swift'运行。
还可以把`hello,swift'写成一个脚本,在开关加入`/usr/bin/xcrun swift'。修改权限可以运行的。这里`xcrun'是通过`which'查出来的。
其实是可以直接使用`swift'命令的。这个的作用就和`xcrun swift'是一样的。
也有`swift'的编译器->`swiftc'。可以`swiftc hello.swift -o hello'编译出来执行。(默认编译出来就是hello,使用`-o'选项可以控制下)。
1.44 DONE 对ntfs的磁盘只读
可以使用`diskutil info'已挂载的磁盘的信息。比如我就用`diskutil info /Volumes/win7'。查出来我的是`/dev/disk3s2'。
使用`diskutil eject /dev/disk3s2'来先推出。使用只有一个分驱的u盘时 不能用eject推出了,推出就找不到了磁盘了。需要使用`diskutil umount /dev/disk3s2'卸载。
然后使用`sudo mount_ntfs -o rw,nobrowse /dev/disk3s2 /tmp'将其挂载到`/tmp'下。现在就可读也可写了。
1.45 macbook合住盖子而不进入待机
InsomniaX 一个插件可以做到
1.46 录制Gif图片
1.47 cdto
1.48 just focus 番茄工作法加定时锁屏,常用软件
1.49 TODO 待办
1.49.1 TODO 从源码安装了wget后,从bash中启动emacs可以找到,但是从launchpad中启动还是提示找不到wget
1.49.2 TODO 查字典
1.49.3 TODO 通过zip安装的软件
1.49.4 TODO 不断网锁屏
1.49.5 TODO 连接各种外设
1.49.6 TODO microsoft-office使用brew没有下载下来。不行不装了。就用iwork。
1.49.7 TODO 禁用触摸板
1.49.8 TODO 把下载中的内容归类。软件这些都保存起来。
1.49.9 TODO finder中使用`/'来进入某一文件夹
1.49.10 TODO mou可以用来写markdown
1.49.11 TODO jitouch功能更强大的多点触控软件
1.49.12 TODO 不像linux一样可以使用fdisk直接对U盘这些进行分区
1.49.13 TODO 文档查看器 dash
收费,试用阶段。不付费每次打开会有8秒钟等待时间。 TODO zeal TODO emacs-dash?
1.49.14 TODO mount和route命令和linux上不同
1.49.15 TODO clamAV for mac
1.49.16 TODO jabref
1.49.17 TODO wireshark
通过brew cask安装好了。但是每次都要问X11安装在哪儿了。找到了又不能点击。
1.49.18 TODO 不从terminal启动emacs,则一些环境变量没有设置正确
1.50 calibre管理书籍
使用 calibre
2 apple-script学习笔记
osascript -e 'display dialog "hello,world"'
#!/bin/bash osascript - << END display dialog "hello,world" END
还可以直接把`display dialog "hello, world"'写入mac系统中默认的脚本编辑器中,就可以直接执行了。
3 键盘效率工具
3.1 splotlight
3.2 alfred
使用 1.33.1 来氢capslock设置成了f19。单独用来打开alfred。效果良好。 这里
在file search这个设置中的nivigation中将`use <enter> to open folder in Finder'打开。可以快速打开目录了。
3.2.1 Quicksilver
3.4 我的配置过程
可以设置search scope。我直接点了一下reset就把brew这些安装的程序路径自动设定好了。
3.5 karabiner配置
打开 Misc & uninstall
, Open private.xml
<?xml version="1.0"?> <root> <!-- generic URL --> <vkopenurldef> <name>KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_WEB_karabiner</name> <url></url> </vkopenurldef> <!-- file path --> <vkopenurldef> <name>KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Calculator</name> <url type="file">/Applications/</url> </vkopenurldef> <!-- file path --> <vkopenurldef> <name>KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Emacs</name> <url type="file">/Applications/</url> </vkopenurldef> <!-- file path --> <vkopenurldef> <name>KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_iTerm2</name> <url type="file">/Users/pengpengxp/Application/</url> </vkopenurldef> <!-- file path --> <vkopenurldef> <name>KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Chrome</name> <url type="file">/Applications/Google</url> </vkopenurldef> <!-- shell commands --> <vkopenurldef> <name>KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_SHELL_date_pbcopy</name> <url type="shell"> <![CDATA[ /bin/date | /usr/bin/pbcopy ]]> </url> </vkopenurldef> <item> <name>Change right-command + w to open</name> <identifier>private.right_command_w</identifier> <autogen> __KeyToKey__ KeyCode::W, ModifierFlag::COMMAND_R, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_WEB_karabiner, </autogen> </item> <item> <name>Change right-command +left-command + c to launch calculator</name> <identifier>private.right_left_command_c</identifier> <autogen> __KeyToKey__ KeyCode::C, ModifierFlag::COMMAND_R, ModifierFlag::COMMAND_L, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Calculator, </autogen> </item> <item> <name>Change right-command + left-command + e to launch Emacs</name> <identifier>private.right_left_command_e</identifier> <autogen> __KeyToKey__ KeyCode::E, ModifierFlag::COMMAND_R, ModifierFlag::COMMAND_L, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Emacs, </autogen> </item> <item> <name>Change right-command + left-command + i to launch iTerm2</name> <identifier>private.right_left_command_i</identifier> <autogen> __KeyToKey__ KeyCode::I, ModifierFlag::COMMAND_R, ModifierFlag::COMMAND_L, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_iTerm2, </autogen> </item> <item> <name>Change right-command + left-command + k to launch Chrome</name> <identifier>private.right_left_command_k</identifier> <autogen> __KeyToKey__ KeyCode::K, ModifierFlag::COMMAND_R, ModifierFlag::COMMAND_L, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Chrome, </autogen> </item> <item> <name>Change right-command + d to execute /bin/date | /usr/bin/pbcopy</name> <identifier>private.right_command_d</identifier> <autogen> __KeyToKey__ KeyCode::D, ModifierFlag::COMMAND_R, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_SHELL_date_pbcopy, </autogen> </item> </root>
使用 launch mode v2可以达到更好的效果,下面把它原始的xml搞到下面:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <root> <item> <name>Launcher Mode</name> <item> <name>Launcher Mode v2</name> <appendix>Open apps by shortcut keys.</appendix> <appendix></appendix> <appendix>Usage:</appendix> <appendix></appendix> <appendix>Enable launcher mode by O key. (Remember as "O"pen apps.)</appendix> <appendix><![CDATA[ * Open "Activity Monitor" by "O down -> A down -> A up". ]]></appendix> <appendix><![CDATA[ * Open "Mail" by "O down -> M down -> M up". ]]></appendix> <appendix>And you can open other apps by similar way.</appendix> <appendix></appendix> <appendix>You can also open apps by holding O+A keys down.</appendix> <appendix>(You can adjust timeout by "__BlockUntilKeyUp__ Timeout" in Parameters tab.</appendix> <appendix></appendix> <appendix>List:</appendix> <appendix></appendix> <appendix>* Activity Monitor: O+A key</appendix> <appendix>* Search a selected text by Dictionary: O+Q key</appendix> <appendix>* Dictionary: O+Q,Q (press Q twice)</appendix> <appendix>* Show desktop: O+D key</appendix> <appendix>* DigitalColor Meter: O+D,D (press D twice)</appendix> <appendix>* Launchpad: O+Space key</appendix> <appendix>* Mail: O+M key</appendix> <appendix>* Mission Control: O+Tab key</appendix> <appendix>* Finder: O+F key</appendix> <appendix>* Open Desktop by Finder: O+F,D key</appendix> <appendix>* Open the home folder by Finder: O+F,F (press F twice)</appendix> <appendix>* Safari: O+S key</appendix> <appendix>* Stickies: O+S,S (press S twice)</appendix> <appendix>* Terminal: O+T key</appendix> <appendix>* TextEdit: O+E key</appendix> <appendix>* Xcode: O+X key</appendix> <appendix>* iPhone Simulator: O+X,X (press X twice)</appendix> <identifier>remap.launcher_mode_v2</identifier> {{ LAUNCHER_MODE_V2_CONDITION }} <autogen> __KeyOverlaidModifier__ {{ LAUNCHER_MODE_V2_KEY }}, <!-- Use notsave.launcher_mode_v2 in order to be higher priority. Use ModifierFlag::LAUNCHER_MODE_V2 for __DropAllKeys__. --> @begin KeyCode::VK_CONFIG_SYNC_KEYDOWNUP_notsave_launcher_mode_v2, ModifierFlag::LAUNCHER_MODE_V2, @end @begin {{ LAUNCHER_MODE_V2_KEY }}, @end </autogen> </item> <item hidden="true"> <identifier vk_config="true">notsave.launcher_mode_v2</identifier> {{ LAUNCHER_MODE_V2_EXTRA }} <autogen> __BlockUntilKeyUp__ {{ LAUNCHER_MODE_V2_KEY }} </autogen> <autogen>__KeyDownUpToKey__ KeyCode::A, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Activity_Monitor</autogen> <autogen> __KeyToKey__ KeyCode::Q, KeyCode::VK_NONE, Option::KEYTOKEY_DELAYED_ACTION, KeyCode::C, ModifierFlag::COMMAND_L, KeyCode::VK_WAIT_100MS, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Dictionary, KeyCode::VK_WAIT_100MS, KeyCode::VK_WAIT_100MS, KeyCode::V, ModifierFlag::COMMAND_L, KeyCode::A, ModifierFlag::COMMAND_L, Option::KEYTOKEY_DELAYED_ACTION_CANCELED_BY, KeyCode::Q, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Dictionary, KeyCode::VK_KEYTOKEY_DELAYED_ACTION_DROP_EVENT, </autogen> <autogen> __KeyToKey__ KeyCode::D, KeyCode::VK_NONE, Option::KEYTOKEY_DELAYED_ACTION, KeyCode::MISSION_CONTROL, ModifierFlag::COMMAND_L, Option::KEYTOKEY_DELAYED_ACTION_CANCELED_BY, KeyCode::D, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_DigitalColor_Meter, KeyCode::VK_KEYTOKEY_DELAYED_ACTION_DROP_EVENT, </autogen> <autogen>__KeyDownUpToKey__ KeyCode::SPACE, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Launchpad</autogen> <autogen>__KeyDownUpToKey__ KeyCode::M, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Mail</autogen> <autogen>__KeyDownUpToKey__ KeyCode::TAB, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Mission_Control</autogen> <autogen> __KeyToKey__ KeyCode::F, KeyCode::VK_NONE, Option::KEYTOKEY_DELAYED_ACTION, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Finder, Option::KEYTOKEY_DELAYED_ACTION_CANCELED_BY, KeyCode::D, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_FILE_Desktop, KeyCode::VK_KEYTOKEY_DELAYED_ACTION_DROP_EVENT, Option::KEYTOKEY_DELAYED_ACTION_CANCELED_BY, KeyCode::F, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_FILE_Home, KeyCode::VK_KEYTOKEY_DELAYED_ACTION_DROP_EVENT, </autogen> <autogen> __KeyToKey__ KeyCode::S, KeyCode::VK_NONE, Option::KEYTOKEY_DELAYED_ACTION, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Safari, Option::KEYTOKEY_DELAYED_ACTION_CANCELED_BY, KeyCode::S, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Stickies, KeyCode::VK_KEYTOKEY_DELAYED_ACTION_DROP_EVENT, </autogen> <autogen>__KeyDownUpToKey__ KeyCode::T, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Terminal</autogen> <autogen>__KeyDownUpToKey__ KeyCode::E, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_TextEdit</autogen> <autogen> __KeyToKey__ KeyCode::X, KeyCode::VK_NONE, Option::KEYTOKEY_DELAYED_ACTION, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Xcode, Option::KEYTOKEY_DELAYED_ACTION_CANCELED_BY, KeyCode::X, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_iPhoneSimulator, KeyCode::VK_KEYTOKEY_DELAYED_ACTION_DROP_EVENT, </autogen> <autogen> __DropAllKeys__ ModifierFlag::LAUNCHER_MODE_V2, Option::DROPALLKEYS_DROP_KEY, </autogen> </item> </item> </root>
<?xml version="1.0"?> <root> <item> <name>disable command + h</name> <identifier>private.disable_command_h</identifier> <autogen>__KeyToKey__ KeyCode::H, VK_COMMAND | ModifierFlag::NONE, KeyCode::VK_NONE</autogen> </item> <vkopenurldef> <name>KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_SHELL_switchprofile_space</name> <url type="shell"> <![CDATA[ /Applications/ select_by_name space ]]> </url> </vkopenurldef> <vkopenurldef> <name>KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_SHELL_switchprofile_nospace</name> <url type="shell"> <![CDATA[ /Applications/ select_by_name nospace ]]> </url> </vkopenurldef> <item> <name>Switch Profile to space with lcommand + rcommand + 1</name> <identifier>private.switchspace</identifier> <autogen> __KeyToKey__ KeyCode::1, ModifierFlag::COMMAND_R, ModifierFlag::COMMAND_L, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_SHELL_switchprofile_space </autogen> </item> <item> <name>Switch Profile to nospace with lcommand + rcommand + 2</name> <identifier>private.switchnospace</identifier> <autogen> __KeyToKey__ KeyCode::2, ModifierFlag::COMMAND_R, ModifierFlag::COMMAND_L, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_SHELL_switchprofile_nospace </autogen> </item> <!-- generic URL --> <vkopenurldef> <name>KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_WEB_karabiner</name> <url></url> </vkopenurldef> <!-- shell commands --> <vkopenurldef> <name>KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_SHELL_date_pbcopy</name> <url type="shell"> <![CDATA[ /bin/date | /usr/bin/pbcopy ]]> </url> </vkopenurldef> <vkopenurldef> <name>KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Firefox</name> <url type="file">/Applications/</url> </vkopenurldef> <vkopenurldef> <name>KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Postman</name> <url type="file">/Applications/</url> </vkopenurldef> <vkopenurldef> <name>KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Finder</name> <url type="file">/Users/pengpengxp</url> </vkopenurldef> <vkopenurldef> <name>KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Pycharm</name> <url type="file">/Applications/PyCharm</url> </vkopenurldef> <vkopenurldef> <name>KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Dash</name> <url type="file">/Applications/</url> </vkopenurldef> <vkopenurldef> <name>KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_DoubleCommander</name> <url type="file">/Applications/Double</url> </vkopenurldef> <vkopenurldef> <name>KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Foxmail</name> <url type="file">/Applications/</url> </vkopenurldef> <vkopenurldef> <name>KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Newton</name> <url type="file">/Applications/</url> </vkopenurldef> <vkopenurldef> <name>KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Ibook</name> <url type="file">/Applications/</url> </vkopenurldef> <vkopenurldef> <name>KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Excel</name> <url type="file">/Applications/Microsoft</url> </vkopenurldef> <vkopenurldef> <name>KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Xmind</name> <url type="file">/Applications/</url> </vkopenurldef> <vkopenurldef> <name>KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Thunder</name> <url type="file">/Applications/</url> </vkopenurldef> <vkopenurldef> <name>KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Terminal</name> <url type="file">/Applications/Utilities/</url> </vkopenurldef> <vkopenurldef> <name>KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_QQ</name> <url type="file">/Applications/</url> </vkopenurldef> <vkopenurldef> <name>KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Safari</name> <url type="file">/Applications/</url> </vkopenurldef> <vkopenurldef> <name>KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Skim</name> <url type="file">/Applications/</url> </vkopenurldef> <!-- for remote terminal --> <vkopenurldef> <name>KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Sshcontroller</name> <url type="file">/Users/pengpengxp/bin/ssh/controller.command</url> </vkopenurldef> <vkopenurldef> <name>KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Sshobject1</name> <url type="file">/Users/pengpengxp/bin/ssh/object1.command</url> </vkopenurldef> <vkopenurldef> <name>KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Sshobject2</name> <url type="file">/Users/pengpengxp/bin/ssh/object2.command</url> </vkopenurldef> <vkopenurldef> <name>KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Sshb</name> <url type="file">/Users/pengpengxp/bin/ssh/b.command</url> </vkopenurldef> <vkopenurldef> <name>KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Sshop1</name> <url type="file">/Users/pengpengxp/bin/ssh/op1.command</url> </vkopenurldef> <vkopenurldef> <name>KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Sshop2</name> <url type="file">/Users/pengpengxp/bin/ssh/op2.command</url> </vkopenurldef> <vkopenurldef> <name>KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Sshop3</name> <url type="file">/Users/pengpengxp/bin/ssh/op3.command</url> </vkopenurldef> <vkopenurldef> <name>KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Sshop4</name> <url type="file">/Users/pengpengxp/bin/ssh/op4.command</url> </vkopenurldef> <vkopenurldef> <name>KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Sshpt</name> <url type="file">/Users/pengpengxp/bin/ssh/pt.command</url> </vkopenurldef> <vkopenurldef> <name>KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Sshup</name> <url type="file">/Users/pengpengxp/bin/ssh/up.command</url> </vkopenurldef> <vkopenurldef> <name>KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Qianniu</name> <url type="file">/Applications/</url> </vkopenurldef> <vkopenurldef> <name>KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Wireshark</name> <url type="file">/Applications/</url> </vkopenurldef> <vkopenurldef> <name>KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Map</name> <url type="file">/Applications/</url> </vkopenurldef> <vkopenurldef> <name>KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Ouludict</name> <url type="file">/Applications/</url> </vkopenurldef> <vkopenurldef> <name>KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_WangyiMusic</name> <url type="file">/Applications/</url> </vkopenurldef> <vkopenurldef> <name>KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Sublime</name> <url type="file">/Applications/Sublime</url> </vkopenurldef> <vkopenurldef> <name>KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Calendar</name> <url type="file">/Applications/</url> </vkopenurldef> <vkopenurldef> <name>KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_BeyondCompare</name> <url type="file">/Applications/Beyond</url> </vkopenurldef> <vkopenurldef> <name>KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Preview</name> <url type="file">/Applications/</url> </vkopenurldef> <vkopenurldef> <name>KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Numbers</name> <url type="file">/Applications/</url> </vkopenurldef> <vkopenurldef> <name>KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_VirtualBox</name> <url type="file">/Applications/</url> </vkopenurldef> <vkopenurldef> <name>KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_karabiner</name> <url type="file">/Applications/</url> </vkopenurldef> <vkopenurldef> <name>KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Maps</name> <url type="file">/Applications/</url> </vkopenurldef> <vkopenurldef> <name>KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_FaceTime</name> <url type="file">/Applications/</url> </vkopenurldef> <!-- file path --> <vkopenurldef> <name>KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Calculator</name> <url type="file">/Applications/</url> </vkopenurldef> <!-- file path --> <vkopenurldef> <name>KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Emacs25mac</name> <url type="file">/Applications/</url> </vkopenurldef> <!-- file path --> <vkopenurldef> <name>KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Opera</name> <url type="file">/Applications/</url> </vkopenurldef> <!-- file path --> <vkopenurldef> <name>KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_iTerm2</name> <url type="file">/Applications/</url> </vkopenurldef> <!-- file path --> <vkopenurldef> <name>KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_weChat</name> <url type="file">/Applications/</url> </vkopenurldef> <!-- file path --> <vkopenurldef> <name>KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Chrome</name> <url type="file">/Applications/Google</url> </vkopenurldef> <item> <name>Change right-command + w to open</name> <identifier>private.right_command_w</identifier> <autogen> __KeyToKey__ KeyCode::W, ModifierFlag::COMMAND_R, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_WEB_karabiner, </autogen> </item> <!-- <item> --> <!-- <name>Change right-command +left-command + c to launch calculator</name> --> <!-- <identifier>private.right_left_command_c</identifier> --> <!-- <autogen> --> <!-- __KeyToKey__ --> <!-- KeyCode::C, ModifierFlag::COMMAND_R, ModifierFlag::COMMAND_L, --> <!-- KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Calculator, --> <!-- </autogen> --> <!-- </item> --> <item> <name>Change right-command +left-command + m to launch Foxmail</name> <identifier>private.right_left_command_m</identifier> <autogen> __KeyToKey__ KeyCode::M, ModifierFlag::COMMAND_R, ModifierFlag::COMMAND_L, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Newton, </autogen> </item> <item> <name>Change right-command +left-command + l to launch virtualbox</name> <identifier>private.right_left_command_l</identifier> <autogen> __KeyToKey__ KeyCode::L, ModifierFlag::COMMAND_R, ModifierFlag::COMMAND_L, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_VirtualBox, </autogen> </item> <item> <name>Change right-command +left-command + v to launch virtualbox</name> <identifier>private.right_left_command_v</identifier> <autogen> __KeyToKey__ KeyCode::V, ModifierFlag::COMMAND_R, ModifierFlag::COMMAND_L, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_VirtualBox, </autogen> </item> <item> <!-- <name>Change right-command +left-command + f to launch DoubleCommander</name> --> <name>Change right-command +left-command + f to launch Finder</name> <identifier>private.right_left_command_f</identifier> <autogen> __KeyToKey__ KeyCode::F, ModifierFlag::COMMAND_R, ModifierFlag::COMMAND_L, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Finder, <!-- KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_DoubleCommander, --> </autogen> </item> <item> <name>Change right-command +left-command + x to launch Xmind</name> <identifier>private.right_left_command_x</identifier> <autogen> __KeyToKey__ KeyCode::X, ModifierFlag::COMMAND_R, ModifierFlag::COMMAND_L, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Xmind, </autogen> </item> <item> <name>Change right-command +left-command + s to launch Firefox</name> <identifier>private.right_left_command_s</identifier> <autogen> __KeyToKey__ KeyCode::S, ModifierFlag::COMMAND_R, ModifierFlag::COMMAND_L, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Firefox, </autogen> </item> <item> <name>Change right-command +left-command + RETURN to launch iTerm2 and Emacs</name> <identifier>private.right_left_command_return</identifier> <autogen> __KeyToKey__ KeyCode::RETURN, ModifierFlag::COMMAND_R, ModifierFlag::COMMAND_L, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_iTerm2, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Emacs25mac, </autogen> </item> <item> <name>Change right-command +left-command + DELETE to launch iTerm2 and Chrome</name> <identifier>private.right_left_command_delete</identifier> <autogen> __KeyToKey__ KeyCode::DELETE, ModifierFlag::COMMAND_R, ModifierFlag::COMMAND_L, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_iTerm2, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Chrome, </autogen> </item> <item> <name>Change right-command +left-command + k to launch karabiner</name> <identifier>private.right_left_command_k</identifier> <autogen> __KeyToKey__ KeyCode::K, ModifierFlag::COMMAND_R, ModifierFlag::COMMAND_L, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_karabiner, </autogen> </item> <item> <name>Change right-command + left-command + e to launch Emacs</name> <identifier>private.right_left_command_e</identifier> <autogen> __KeyToKey__ KeyCode::E, ModifierFlag::COMMAND_R, ModifierFlag::COMMAND_L, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Emacs25mac, </autogen> </item> <item> <name>Change right-command + left-command + j to launch iTerm2 and Emacs</name> <identifier>private.right_left_command_j</identifier> <autogen> __KeyToKey__ KeyCode::J, ModifierFlag::COMMAND_R, ModifierFlag::COMMAND_L, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_iTerm2, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Emacs25mac, </autogen> </item> <item> <name>Change right-command + left-command + r to launch wireshark</name> <identifier>private.right_left_command_r</identifier> <autogen> __KeyToKey__ KeyCode::R, ModifierFlag::COMMAND_R, ModifierFlag::COMMAND_L, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Wireshark, </autogen> </item> <item> <name>Change right-command + left-command + c to launch iTerm2 and Chrome</name> <identifier>private.right_left_command_c</identifier> <autogen> __KeyToKey__ KeyCode::C, ModifierFlag::COMMAND_R, ModifierFlag::COMMAND_L, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_iTerm2, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Chrome, </autogen> </item> <item> <name>Change right-command + left-command + w to launch weChat</name> <identifier>private.right_left_command_w</identifier> <autogen> __KeyToKey__ KeyCode::W, ModifierFlag::COMMAND_R, ModifierFlag::COMMAND_L, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_weChat, </autogen> </item> <item> <name>Change right-command + left-command + i to launch iTerm2</name> <identifier>private.right_left_command_i</identifier> <autogen> __KeyToKey__ KeyCode::I, ModifierFlag::COMMAND_R, ModifierFlag::COMMAND_L, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_iTerm2, </autogen> </item> <item> <name>Change right-command + left-command + g to launch Chrome</name> <identifier>private.right_left_command_g</identifier> <autogen> __KeyToKey__ KeyCode::G, ModifierFlag::COMMAND_R, ModifierFlag::COMMAND_L, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Chrome, </autogen> </item> <item> <name>Change right-command + d to execute /bin/date | /usr/bin/pbcopy</name> <identifier>private.right_command_d</identifier> <autogen> __KeyToKey__ KeyCode::D, ModifierFlag::COMMAND_R, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_SHELL_date_pbcopy, </autogen> </item> <!-- for virtualbox --> <item> <name>Pengpengxp's irtualBox</name> <item> <name>Change Command_L to Control_L</name> <identifier>remap.app_vm_commandL2controlL</identifier> <only>VIRTUALMACHINE</only> <autogen>__KeyToKey__ KeyCode::COMMAND_L, KeyCode::CONTROL_L</autogen> </item> </item> <!-- use launch mode v2 to switch app --> <!-- for finder --> <vkopenurldef> <name>KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_FILE_Src</name> <url type="file">/Users/pengpengxp/src</url> </vkopenurldef> <vkopenurldef> <name>KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_FILE_Tmp</name> <url type="file">/tmp</url> </vkopenurldef> <vkopenurldef> <name>KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_FILE_Documents</name> <url type="file">/Users/pengpengxp/Documents</url> </vkopenurldef> <vkopenurldef> <name>KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_FILE_Downloads</name> <url type="file">/Users/pengpengxp/Downloads</url> </vkopenurldef> <!-- use launch mode v2 to switch app --> <!-- switch prefixkeys --> <replacementdef> <replacementname>LAUNCHER_MODE_V2_KEY</replacementname> <replacementvalue>KeyCode::SPACE</replacementvalue> <!-- <replacementvalue>KeyCode::F19</replacementvalue> --> </replacementdef> <replacementdef> <replacementname>LAUNCHER_MODE_V2_EXTRA</replacementname> <replacementvalue> <![CDATA[ <autogen> __KeyDownUpToKey__ KeyCode::E, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Emacs25mac, </autogen> <autogen> __KeyDownUpToKey__ KeyCode::P, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Postman, </autogen> <autogen> __KeyDownUpToKey__ KeyCode::RETURN, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_iTerm2, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Emacs25mac, </autogen> <autogen> __KeyDownUpToKey__ KeyCode::DELETE, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_iTerm2, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Chrome, </autogen> <autogen> __KeyDownUpToKey__ KeyCode::I, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_iTerm2, </autogen> <autogen> __KeyDownUpToKey__ KeyCode::G, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Chrome, </autogen> <autogen> __KeyDownUpToKey__ KeyCode::V, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_VirtualBox, </autogen> <autogen> __KeyDownUpToKey__ KeyCode::K, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_karabiner, </autogen> <autogen> __KeyDownUpToKey__ KeyCode::U, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Excel, </autogen> <autogen> __KeyDownUpToKey__ KeyCode::W, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_weChat, </autogen> <autogen> __KeyDownUpToKey__ KeyCode::N, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Excel, </autogen> <autogen> __KeyDownUpToKey__ KeyCode::B, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_BeyondCompare, </autogen> <autogen> __KeyDownUpToKey__ KeyCode::C, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_iTerm2, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Chrome, </autogen> <autogen> __KeyDownUpToKey__ KeyCode::L, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_VirtualBox, </autogen> <autogen> __KeyDownUpToKey__ KeyCode::J, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_iTerm2, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Emacs25mac, </autogen> <autogen> __KeyDownUpToKey__ KeyCode::X, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Xmind, </autogen> <autogen> __KeyDownUpToKey__ KeyCode::R, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Wireshark, </autogen> <autogen> __KeyDownUpToKey__ KeyCode::M, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Newton, </autogen> <autogen> __KeyDownUpToKey__ KeyCode::F1, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_WangyiMusic, </autogen> <autogen> __KeyDownUpToKey__ KeyCode::F2, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Map, </autogen> <autogen> __KeyDownUpToKey__ KeyCode::F3, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Ouludict, </autogen> <autogen> __KeyDownUpToKey__ KeyCode::S, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Opera, </autogen> <autogen> __KeyDownUpToKey__ KeyCode::D, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Safari, </autogen> <!-- O for open external program --> <autogen> __KeyToKey__ KeyCode::O, KeyCode::VK_NONE, Option::KEYTOKEY_DELAYED_ACTION_CANCELED_BY, KeyCode::W, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_WangyiMusic, KeyCode::VK_KEYTOKEY_DELAYED_ACTION_DROP_EVENT, Option::KEYTOKEY_DELAYED_ACTION_CANCELED_BY, KeyCode::N, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Qianniu, KeyCode::VK_KEYTOKEY_DELAYED_ACTION_DROP_EVENT, Option::KEYTOKEY_DELAYED_ACTION_CANCELED_BY, KeyCode::O, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Ouludict, KeyCode::VK_KEYTOKEY_DELAYED_ACTION_DROP_EVENT, Option::KEYTOKEY_DELAYED_ACTION_CANCELED_BY, KeyCode::M, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Map, KeyCode::VK_KEYTOKEY_DELAYED_ACTION_DROP_EVENT, Option::KEYTOKEY_DELAYED_ACTION_CANCELED_BY, KeyCode::C, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Calendar, KeyCode::VK_KEYTOKEY_DELAYED_ACTION_DROP_EVENT, Option::KEYTOKEY_DELAYED_ACTION_CANCELED_BY, KeyCode::Q, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_QQ, KeyCode::VK_KEYTOKEY_DELAYED_ACTION_DROP_EVENT, Option::KEYTOKEY_DELAYED_ACTION_CANCELED_BY, KeyCode::X, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Thunder, KeyCode::VK_KEYTOKEY_DELAYED_ACTION_DROP_EVENT, Option::KEYTOKEY_DELAYED_ACTION_CANCELED_BY, KeyCode::J, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Calculator, KeyCode::VK_KEYTOKEY_DELAYED_ACTION_DROP_EVENT, Option::KEYTOKEY_DELAYED_ACTION_CANCELED_BY, KeyCode::K, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Skim, KeyCode::VK_KEYTOKEY_DELAYED_ACTION_DROP_EVENT, Option::KEYTOKEY_DELAYED_ACTION_CANCELED_BY, KeyCode::I, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Ibook, KeyCode::VK_KEYTOKEY_DELAYED_ACTION_DROP_EVENT, Option::KEYTOKEY_DELAYED_ACTION_CANCELED_BY, KeyCode::D, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Dash, KeyCode::VK_KEYTOKEY_DELAYED_ACTION_DROP_EVENT, Option::KEYTOKEY_DELAYED_ACTION_CANCELED_BY, KeyCode::P, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Pycharm, KeyCode::VK_KEYTOKEY_DELAYED_ACTION_DROP_EVENT, </autogen> <!-- H for terminal --> <autogen> __KeyToKey__ KeyCode::H, KeyCode::VK_NONE, Option::KEYTOKEY_DELAYED_ACTION, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Terminal, Option::KEYTOKEY_DELAYED_ACTION_CANCELED_BY, KeyCode::T, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Sshpt, KeyCode::VK_KEYTOKEY_DELAYED_ACTION_DROP_EVENT, Option::KEYTOKEY_DELAYED_ACTION_CANCELED_BY, KeyCode::U, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Sshup, KeyCode::VK_KEYTOKEY_DELAYED_ACTION_DROP_EVENT, Option::KEYTOKEY_DELAYED_ACTION_CANCELED_BY, KeyCode::O, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Sshop1, KeyCode::VK_KEYTOKEY_DELAYED_ACTION_DROP_EVENT, Option::KEYTOKEY_DELAYED_ACTION_CANCELED_BY, KeyCode::1, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Sshop1, KeyCode::VK_KEYTOKEY_DELAYED_ACTION_DROP_EVENT, Option::KEYTOKEY_DELAYED_ACTION_CANCELED_BY, KeyCode::2, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Sshop2, KeyCode::VK_KEYTOKEY_DELAYED_ACTION_DROP_EVENT, Option::KEYTOKEY_DELAYED_ACTION_CANCELED_BY, KeyCode::3, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Sshop3, KeyCode::VK_KEYTOKEY_DELAYED_ACTION_DROP_EVENT, Option::KEYTOKEY_DELAYED_ACTION_CANCELED_BY, KeyCode::4, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Sshop4, KeyCode::VK_KEYTOKEY_DELAYED_ACTION_DROP_EVENT, Option::KEYTOKEY_DELAYED_ACTION_CANCELED_BY, KeyCode::B, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Sshb, KeyCode::VK_KEYTOKEY_DELAYED_ACTION_DROP_EVENT, </autogen> <!-- numbers for openstack remote terminal --> <autogen> __KeyDownUpToKey__ KeyCode::1, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Sshop1, </autogen> <autogen> __KeyDownUpToKey__ KeyCode::2, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Sshop2, </autogen> <autogen> __KeyDownUpToKey__ KeyCode::3, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Sshop3, </autogen> <autogen> __KeyDownUpToKey__ KeyCode::4, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Sshcontroller, </autogen> <autogen> __KeyDownUpToKey__ KeyCode::5, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Sshobject1, </autogen> <autogen> __KeyDownUpToKey__ KeyCode::6, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Sshobject2, </autogen> <!-- F for finder --> <autogen> __KeyToKey__ KeyCode::F, KeyCode::VK_NONE, Option::KEYTOKEY_DELAYED_ACTION, <!-- KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Finder, --> KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_APP_Finder, Option::KEYTOKEY_DELAYED_ACTION_CANCELED_BY, KeyCode::D, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_FILE_Desktop, KeyCode::VK_KEYTOKEY_DELAYED_ACTION_DROP_EVENT, Option::KEYTOKEY_DELAYED_ACTION_CANCELED_BY, KeyCode::F, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_FILE_Home, KeyCode::VK_KEYTOKEY_DELAYED_ACTION_DROP_EVENT, Option::KEYTOKEY_DELAYED_ACTION_CANCELED_BY, KeyCode::S, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_FILE_Src, KeyCode::VK_KEYTOKEY_DELAYED_ACTION_DROP_EVENT, Option::KEYTOKEY_DELAYED_ACTION_CANCELED_BY, KeyCode::T, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_FILE_Tmp, KeyCode::VK_KEYTOKEY_DELAYED_ACTION_DROP_EVENT, Option::KEYTOKEY_DELAYED_ACTION_CANCELED_BY, KeyCode::W, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_FILE_Downloads, KeyCode::VK_KEYTOKEY_DELAYED_ACTION_DROP_EVENT, Option::KEYTOKEY_DELAYED_ACTION_CANCELED_BY, KeyCode::C, KeyCode::VK_OPEN_URL_FILE_Documents, KeyCode::VK_KEYTOKEY_DELAYED_ACTION_DROP_EVENT, </autogen> ]]> </replacementvalue> </replacementdef> </root>
<!-- for virtualbox --> <item> <name>Pengpengxp's irtualBox</name> <item> <name>Change Command_L to Control_L</name> <identifier>remap.app_vm_commandL2controlL</identifier> <only>VIRTUALMACHINE</only> <autogen>__KeyToKey__ KeyCode::COMMAND_L, KeyCode::CONTROL_L</autogen> </item> </item>
3.6 slate 中文指导
保存配置好的 ~/.slate
# quakex 的 slate 配置文件 # Global Configs 全局配置 config defaultToCurrentScreen true # show icons & letters on all windows w/ Window Hints config windowHintsShowIcons true config windowHintsIgnoreHiddenWindows false config windowHintsSpread true # General aliases alias hyper cmd;ctrl # 组合键 alias sox screenOriginX alias soy screenOriginY alias ssx screenSizeX alias ssy screenSizeY # Show a positioning grid for each monitor bind g:cmd;ctrl grid padding:5 0:2,2 1:2,1 #将第一个窗口分成4份,第二分成两份 # Monitor Aliases alias mon-left 0 # 外接左边的显示器 alias mon-macbook 1 # 笔记本屏幕 # Abstract positions 相对位置 alias centered ${sox}+${ssx}/8;${soy}+${ssy}/8 ${ssx}/8*6;${ssy}/8*6 alias fullscreen ${sox};${soy} ${ssx};${ssy} alias leftHalf ${sox};${soy} ${ssx}/2;${ssy} alias bottomHalf ${sox};${soy}+${ssy}/2 ${ssx};${ssy}/2 alias topHalf ${sox};${soy} ${ssx};${ssy}/2 alias rightHalf ${sox}+${ssx}/2;${soy} ${ssx}/2;${ssy} alias topLeftQuarter ${sox};${soy} ${ssx}/2;${ssy}/2 alias topRightQuarter ${sox}+${ssx}/2;${soy} ${ssx}/2;${ssy}/2 alias bottomLeftQuarter ${sox};${soy}+${ssy}/2 ${ssx}/2;${ssy}/2 alias bottomRightQuarter ${sox}+${ssx}/2;${soy}+${ssy}/2 ${ssx}/2;${ssy}/2 alias topThird ${sox};${soy} ${ssx};${ssy}/3 alias leftThird ${sox};${soy} ${ssx}/3;${ssy} alias bottomThird ${sox};${soy}+${ssy}/3 ${ssx};${ssy}/3 alias rightThird ${sox}+${ssx}/3*2;${soy} ${ssx}/3;${ssy} # Concrete positions 具体位置 alias 1-full move ${sox};${soy} ${ssx};${ssy} ${mon-macbook} alias 1-left move ${sox};${soy} ${ssx}/2;${ssy} ${mon-macbook} alias 1-right move ${sox}+${ssx}/2;${soy} ${ssx}/2;${ssy} ${mon-macbook} alias 1-rightThird move ${sox}+${ssx}/3*2;${soy} ${ssx}/3;${ssy} ${mon-macbook} alias 2-left move ${sox};${soy} ${ssx}/2;${ssy} ${mon-left} alias 2-right move ${sox}+${ssx}/2;${soy} ${ssx}/2;${ssy} ${mon-left} alias 2-righttop move ${sox}+${ssx}/2;${soy} ${ssx}/2;${ssy}/2 ${mon-left} alias 2-rightbottom move ${sox}+${ssx}/2;${soy}+${ssy}/2 ${ssx}/2;${ssy}/2 ${mon-left} alias 2-rightThird move ${sox}+${ssx}/3*2;${soy} ${ssx}/3;${ssy} ${mon-left} # 2 Monitor layout 两个显示器时的 layout layout 2monitors 'iTerm':REPEAT ${2-rightbottom} | ${1-left} layout 2monitors 'Safari':REPEAT ${1-full} layout 2monitors 'Sublime Text 2':REPEAT ${2-right} layout 2monitors 'MacVim':REPEAT ${2-left} | ${2-right} layout 2monitors 'Mail':REPEAT ${2-left} layout 2monitors 'Finder':REPEAT ${2-righttop} layout 2monitors 'Xcode':REPEAT ${1-full} layout 2monitors 'iTunes':REPEAT ${1-full} layout 2monitors 'Skim':REPEAT ${2-right} layout 2monitors 'nvALT':REPEAT ${2-rightThird} # 1 Monitor layout 一个显示器时的布局 layout 1monitor 'iTerm':REPEAT ${1-right} layout 1monitor 'Sublime Text 2':REPEAT ${1-left} layout 1monitor 'MacVim':REPEAT ${1-left} | ${1-right} layout 1monitor 'Safari':REPEAT ${1-full} layout 1monitor 'Mail':REPEAT ${1-full} layout 1monitor 'Finder':REPEAT ${1-full} layout 1monitor 'Xcode':REPEAT ${1-full} layout 1monitor 'iTunes':REPEAT ${1-full} layout 1monitor 'Skim':REPEAT ${1-full} layout 1monitors 'nvALT':REPEAT ${1-rightThird} # Default Layouts default 2monitors resolutions:1680x1050;2560x1600 default 1monitor resolutions:2560x1600 bind 1:${hyper} layout 1monitor bind 2:${hyper} layout 2monitors # Bindings 模拟 Vim 控制窗口位置 bind g:${hyper} move ${centered} #ctrl+cmd+g 将窗口居中 bind o:${hyper} move ${fullscreen} #ctrl+cmd+o 全屏 bind h:${hyper} move ${leftHalf} bind j:${hyper} move ${bottomHalf} bind k:${hyper} move ${topHalf} bind l:${hyper} move ${rightHalf} bind u:${hyper} move ${topLeftQuarter} bind i:${hyper} move ${topRightQuarter} bind n:${hyper} move ${bottomLeftQuarter} bind m:${hyper} move ${bottomRightQuarter} bind y:${hyper} move ${leftThird} bind p:${hyper} move ${rightThird} # Resize Bindings bind right:alt;ctrl resize +10% +0 bind left:alt;ctrl resize -10% +0 bind up:alt;ctrl resize +0 -10% bind down:alt;ctrl resize +0 +10% # Nudge Bindings bind right:shift;alt nudge +10% +0 bind left:shift;alt nudge -10% +0 bind up:shift;alt nudge +0 -10% bind down:shift;alt nudge +0 +10% # Throw Bindings bind [:${hyper} throw 0 resize:${ssx};${ssy} bind ]:${hyper} throw 1 resize:${ssx};${ssy} # Window Hints bind esc:cmd hint ASDFGQWERTZXCVBN # relaunch .slate bind s:${hyper} relaunch # Focus Bindings bind right:${hyper} focus right bind left:${hyper} focus left bind up:${hyper} focus up bind down:${hyper} focus down # undo bind z:${hyper} undo ## App bindings #alias hyperApp alt;ctrl #alias editor 'MacVim' #alias browser 'Safari' #bind e:${hyperApp} focus ${browser} #bind v:${hyperApp} focus ${editor} #bind x:${hyperApp} focus 'Xcode' #bind g:${hyperApp} focus 'GitHub' #bind m:${hyperApp} focus 'Mail' #bind i:${hyperApp} focus 'iTerm' #bind f:${hyperApp} focus 'Finder'
3.7 catchMouse可以用来在多显示器是切换鼠标焦点
3.8 Spectacle可以实现slate大部分的功能。 最重要的是:它可以把一个windows从一个显示器通过快捷键发送到另一个里面
3.9 shortcat 可以使用快捷键来选择
4 和原生Terminal打交道
默认的Terminal在 /Applications/Utilities/
可以把shell脚本重命名为 XXX.command
,然后使用 open XXX.command
也可以使用 open -b /tmp/
5 open
open -a /Applications/ /tmp/
6 workspace
Mac上的workspace简直无语,开了多个desktop,但是`command + tab'还是在 几十个应用程序里面切换。
有一些使用技巧在 这里 。
这里 还有一篇使用wtich。wtich可以大概实现只切换一个desktop中的窗口。 但是,如果我想把`command + tab'绑定到witch上,需要把原生的绑定先干掉。 这又需要下载额外的两个软件。麻烦,PASS。
6.1 试试xmonad
按照这篇文章来的 :
Home Log in Go Search Page Discussion View source History Xmonad/Using xmonad on Apple OSX < Xmonad xmonad runs well under X11 on Apple OSX machines, and needs little work to be useful. This page collects advice and information on using xmonad successfully with OSX. (thumbnail) Apple OSX Tiger (thumbnail) Apple OSX Leopard (thumbnail) Apple OSX Leopard Fullscreen (thumbnail) Expose If you're using xmonad on a mac, add details about your configuration here! Contents [hide] 1 Modern installation instructions 1.1 Configuring X11 to run xmonad 1.2 XMonad configuration 2 Installing on OSX Tiger 2.1 Installing XMonad 2.2 Configuring Your .xinitrc to Run XMonad 2.3 Configuring Xmonad for OS X 2.4 Full screen mode 2.5 Does Not Replace Quartz, Silly 2.6 Fitting Other Bits For Use With xmonad on OS X 2.6.1 dmenu 2.7 Potential Configuration Problems 3 OLD Installing on OSX Leopard 3.1 Installing xmonad 3.1.1 Installing GHC 3.2 Configuring Your .profile 3.2.1 Installing Cabal 3.3 Install dmenu (optional but recommended) 3.4 Updating X11 3.5 Configuring Your .xinitrc to Run XMonad 3.6 Configuring Your Keyboard 3.7 Further Configuring 3.8 Discussion 4 OLD Installing on Snow Leopard 1 Modern installation instructions Any machine running Leopard or later should use these instructions. I am keeping the older ones below for historical reasons, but they are largely incorrect and can cause problems in various configurations and should not be used. Use the Haskell Platform installer for your platform. I may be able to dig up a Haskell Platform for Leopard PPC (G4, ppc7450) if needed, although it will not be the latest version because my PPC machine died. Either (standard install on Leopard and up) or MacOSForge should work. Some releases of these have bugs related to the Command key; see below. Full-screen mode is a good idea (to the extent that it ever is; it does not interact nicely with Exposé/Mission Control or Alt-Tab application switching) because XMonad cannot manage Aqua windows. Please note, that last is not a bug. Native Aqua windows do not support any kind of window manager mechanism; Apple scattered the functionality around within Core Graphics, WindowServer, and the application frameworks and didn't make any part of it replaceable. Neither XMonad nor any other X11 window manager will ever be able to manage native windows. 1.1 Configuring X11 to run xmonad Create a file ~/.xinitrc.d/ #! /bin/sh # "chmod +x ~/.xinitrc.d/" to activate # this assumes you used the Haskell Platform and cabal-install to install xmonad USERWM=$HOME/Library/Haskell/bin/xmonad Adjust the USERWM line to point to your xmonad binary; the one above assumes you used the official Haskell Platform installer for OS X and used cabal install xmonad to install XMonad. chmod +x ~/.xinitrc.d/ will activate XMonad; chmod -x ~/.xinitrc.d/ will switch back to using quartz-wm. You may want to go into Preferences, and on the Input panel select "Option keys send Alt_L and Alt_R", since neither XMonad nor most X11 programs understand Mode_shift. There is a tradeoff here: the default means Option gets you international characters, while toggling this allows you to use Alt-keys in X11 applications and XMonad. If you want to use xmodmap to alter X11 key bindings, be sure to go into the preferences as above and toggle "Follow system keyboard layout"; if that is enabled, it will override xmodmap settings. 1.2 XMonad configuration It is a good idea to use modMask = mod4Mask to define the mod key as Command on OS X, since not only do many programs use Option as Alt, X11 itself also does (Option-Shift-Enter toggles between the Aqua desktop and X11 full-screen mode, making it useless for launching a terminal). You may want to go into Preferences, Input panel, and turn off "Enable key equivalents under X11" if you do this so X11 does not intercept Command-c etc. Note that this will also disable any hotkeys you defined on the Applications menu. 2 Installing on OSX Tiger 2.1 Installing XMonad ghc: You can get from, MacPorts, or Fink. Fink has an older version of ghc -- one that will work with xmonad (for now?), but will make baby xmonad cry. X11 lib: Get from, build using the standard Cabal steps. Make sure that Xinerama gets detected in the configure step. If you see a "present but not compiled" warning, that might be okay (it worked for me). xmonad and xmonad-contrib: Get from, build using the standard Cabal steps. I installed into my home directory by adding "--user --prefix=$HOME/usr" to the configure steps. The default is /usr/local. 2.2 Configuring Your .xinitrc to Run XMonad Build and install XMonad like you would any other Haskell library. do the following on the Terminal: $ cp /private/etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc ~/.xinitrc $ chmod +w ~/.xinitrc $ vim ~/.xinitrc #comment out the line 'exec quartz-wm' and add PATH-TO-XMONAD/xmonad after it. You may want to add quartz-wm --only-proxy & to your xinitrc, which synchronizes X11/OSX clipboards. Open X11. XMonad should be running now. 2.3 Configuring Xmonad for OS X You probably don't have a numlock key. Set numlockMask to 0. (The default is mod2Mask, which happens to be Apple's default for the command key.) You may use the defaultGaps to make xmonad not clash with the dock. As the dock size is configurable and may vary depending on the number of icons in the dock you will have to measure your dock yourself. Before 0.7 defaultGaps are in xmonad, since 0.7 these should be in xmonad-contrib. 2.4 Full screen mode I highly recommend running X11 in full-screen mode. To enable this, open the Preferences dialog for the X11 app, check the checkbox, and restart X11. This way, you don't have to worry about stupid things like the dock / menubar / OS X apps getting in your way. 2.5 Does Not Replace Quartz, Silly You won't be able to use xmonad to manage normal OS X apps. X11 will just be another OS X application sitting in your dock that you can switch to. However, it is pretty easy to install a decent set of X11 apps. If you have MacPorts installed you can install the packages firefox-x11, rxvt-unicode, unclutter, and 'vim +gtk2' (the +gtk2 variant for PRIMARY/CLIPBOARD support) to get started. 2.6 Fitting Other Bits For Use With xmonad on OS X 2.6.1 dmenu dmenu can be built on OS X without problems but it is invisible unless you run X11 in full-screen. Unlike xmonad it does not detect the OS X top menu bar and is completely hidden by it. You can also make it display at the bottom (behind the dock :). Since I do not know how to detect the top menubar either I just patched dmenu to add support for gaps. Unfortunately the dmenu authors do not seem very responsive so I attach the patch here. Media:Dmenu-gap.patch You can then run dmenu -g 22 to work around the OS X top menu. 2.7 Potential Configuration Problems You may have problems with configuring XMonad under OSX - if you see the "error detected while loading xmonad configuration" error message but with no error output, it could be because the PATH inherited by XMonad doesn't include ghc (eg by default it won't include /usr/local/bin). Possible solutions: Or just hardwire the path into xmonad itself - change "ghc" -> "/usr/local/bin/ghc" (or whatever) in Core.hs before building XMonad. 3 OLD Installing on OSX Leopard These instructions have been tested on a blank but fully updated system (04/04/09). 3.1 Installing xmonad 3.1.1 Installing GHC Install xcode, this can be found on the OSX install disk; it can also be downloaded from apple (you will have to sign upto a free developer account). Download and install ghc. 3.2 Configuring Your .profile Insert the following into your ~/.profile export PATH=$PATH:~/.cabal/bin:/usr/local/bin export USERWM=`which xmonad` Much of this isn't needed until later, but it's good to get it out the way now. 3.2.1 Installing Cabal Download and extract Cabal install from In a terminal: $ cd ''Cabal install directory''; ./ Update cabal $ cabal update Install xmonad $ cabal install xmonad 3.3 Install dmenu (optional but recommended) Download and extract dmenu from $ cd ''dmenu directory''; sudo make install 3.4 Updating X11 The version of X11 shipped with Leopard (04/04/09) does not support going fullscreen. I recommend updating X11. It is likely that a Leopard update will eventually make this step unnecessary. Download and install the latest version from macosforge. 3.5 Configuring Your .xinitrc to Run XMonad write: source ~/.profile exec /usr/X11/lib/X11/xinit/xinitrc to ~/.xinitrc Alternatively, if this doesn't work (because you haven't updated X11): write: source ~/.profile exec $USERWM to ~/.xinitrc 3.6 Configuring Your Keyboard I can't find the meta key (xmonad is unusable without it) in the default configuration. I followed this guide (write clear Mod1 clear Mod2 keycode 63 = Mode_switch keycode 66 = Meta_L add Mod1 = Meta_L add Mod2 = Mode_switch to ~/.Xmodmap) and now the meta key is the left alt. 3.7 Further Configuring The menu bar shouldn't get in the way (fullscreen or otherwise, updated or standard X11). The Dock however will, I recommend hiding the Dock or always working in fullscreen mode. You can start X11 (and Xmonad) by running any program that uses X, or by running If you run a default program is started. You can configure this program by running $ defaults write org.x.X11 "app_to_run" "gnome-terminal" (replace gnome-terminal with a program of your choice). or $ defaults write org.x.X11 "app_to_run" "" to have no application run by default. There shouldn't be anything unusual about configuring ~/.xmonad/xmonad.hs. 3.8 Discussion XMonad and Vimperator (Firefox 3 extension) make a powerful combination on Linux. I cannot achieve this on OSX because the newest X11 version of Firefox I can install is version 2. If anyone has any hints on installing Firefox 3 X11 please share them. Amethyst [1] mimics Xmonad, but works with non-X11 Mac programs. This allows one to use the regular Mac version of Firefox along with Vimperator. Along with Amethyst I use Honer [2] to put a red border around the active window as Xmonad does. XMonad only works with X11 software- a package manager such as: Nix . Port is helpful . Fink . Homebrew . 4 OLD Installing on Snow Leopard Xmonad 0.9.1 compiles on Snow leopard with ghc 6.12, on a clean snow leopard installation and the X11 version provided with it. Since xterm has been modified, the configuration now needs to be : in ~/.profile : export PATH=/Users/me/.cabal/bin:$PATH export USERWM=`which xmonad` in ~/.xinitrc : source ~/.profile exec $USERWM in ~/.Xmodmap : clear Mod1 keycode 63 = Meta_L add Mod1 = Meta_L This maps the left apple key to the meta key expected by xmonad, since xterm no allows to type accented characters on american keyboards with the option key (as in cocoa applications). Alternatively, you can use the left Alt key (keycode 66 = Alt_L) that doesn't conflict with OS X default shortcuts bound on the left Command (Apple / Meta) key. Category: XMonad Navigation Haskell Wiki community Recent changes Random page Tools What links here Related changes Special pages Printable version Permanent link This page was last modified on 5 November 2014, at 17:07. Recent content is available under a simple permissive license. Privacy policy About HaskellWiki Disclaimers
7 多个远程终端登陆的配置
常登陆多个机器时,ip不好记。可以修改 /etc/hosts
## # Host Database # # localhost is used to configure the loopback interface # when the system is booting. Do not change this entry. ## localhost broadcasthost ::1 localhost pt up b b1 es do
时候可以通过修改 ~/.ssh/config
# default Host HostName User git IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa # # for proxy ProxyCommand nc -x %h %p # two Host # 前缀名可以任意设置 HostName User git IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_pengpengxp Host rs250 Hostname User antibot Port 22 Host b Hostname User root Port 20160
8 archmage
安装好后,配合emacs来使用的话,可以直接安装 chm-view
(require 'chm-view) (setq chm-view-delay 3)
然后 M-x chm-view-file
9 修改键盘的速率
Mac上可以使用下面的命令来修改。使用一次就可以了。不过设置后需要重新 登陆。参考的 这里 。
defaults write -g InitialKeyRepeat -int 10 defaults write -g KeyRepeat -int 1