Table of Contents
特殊情况下,ubuntu并不能连网,但是又需要新安装软件,这篇文章就是解决这 个独特地需求的。
1 下载一个软件所有依赖的包到本地目录
这里 讲了如何下载到所有的安装包到一个目录:
# aptitude clean # aptitude --download-only install <your_package_here> # cp /var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb <your_directory_here>
但是如果你的机器是一台已经使用过很久的机器了。需要它可能已经安装了好 多软件了。这样可能下载不到最完的依赖,因为很多软件已经安装了就不会再 下载了。
需要先安装 apt-rdepends
sudo apt-get install apt-rdepends
apt-get download $(apt-rdepends <package>|grep -v "^ ")
这里 有人写了这样的脚本来忽略这些下载不到的包:
#!/bin/bash export MAXPARAMETERS=255 function array_contains_find_index() { local n=$# local i=0 local value=${!n} for (( i=1; i < n; i++ )) { if [ "${!i}" == "${value}" ]; then echo "REMOVING $i: ${!i} = ${value}" return $i fi } return $MAXPARAMETERS } function Pause() { if [[ -z $1 ]]; then read -n1 -r -p "continue..." else read -n1 -r -p "$1" fi } export IFS=$'\n' # Store all reverse dependencies in an indexed array and output them to STDOUT & a log file # for easy checking later LIST=( $( apt-rdepends $1 | grep -v "^ " ) ) echo ${LIST[*]} echo ${LIST[*]} > getdepends.log.results Pause "... Packages that will be downloaded (Continue or CTRL+C) ..." # Try to download the dependencies RESULTS=( $( apt-get download ${LIST[*]} |& cut -d' ' -f 8 ) ) # If RESULTS contains any items that means we have packages that are # problematic that need to be removed from LIST. (note: `|&` is shortform for `2>&1 |`) LISTLEN=${#LIST[@]} #Array elements aren't removed so the size is constant while [ ${#RESULTS[@]} -gt 0 ]; do for (( i=0; i < $LISTLEN; i++ )); do array_contains_find_index ${RESULTS[@]} ${LIST[$i]} ret=$? if (( $ret != $MAXPARAMETERS )); then unset LIST[$i] fi done FULLRESULTS=$( apt-get download ${LIST[*]} 2>&1 ) RESULTS=( $( echo $FULLRESULTS |& cut -d' ' -f 11 | sed -r "s/'(.*?):(.*$)/\1/g" ) ) echo ${LIST[*]} > getdepends.list #Log of downloaded packages echo ${FULLRESULTS[*]} >> getdepends.fullresults #Verbose log of skipped packages echo ${RESULTS[*]} >> getdepends.results #Just the name of skipped packages done apt-get download ${LIST[*]}
2 制做一个apt-get update可以读取的packages列表
下载 dpkg-dev
sudo apt-get install dpkg-dev
到已载下dep包的目录 /tmp/temp
dpkg-scanpackages . /dev/null | gzip -9c > Packages.gz
3 修改 apt-get
修改 /etc/apt/sources.list
deb file:/tmp/temp ./
这样设置后,再用 apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y --allow-unauthenticated <package-name>